Playing games are an important part of my school day.
It teaches the kiddos
1. Rules
2. Taking turns
3. How to be a good loser and winner.
4. Decision making
5. Social Skills
6. Patience
7. Engaging
4. Decision making
5. Social Skills
6. Patience
7. Engaging
One of the games my kiddos love to play is the Thimble Game. This is a game that causes squealing and great anticipation
with all the kiddos in the class!
Needed: 1 Thimble
1 small cup or bowl of water, 1 pad of paper, and 1 pencil
1 small cup or bowl of water, 1 pad of paper, and 1 pencil
- Choose one person to be "it", my special helper is usually the person I choose to start the game.
- I have the rest of the kiddos in the class sit down in a circle.
- I pick a category, such as animals, colors, clothing, fruit, farm animals, the categories are endless. I tell the group what category we are using.
- The special helper picks a “MY FAVORITE” item from that category, I write it on the pad of paper, and turn it face down.
- The special helper takes the thimble and fills it with water from the cup/bowl and goes to the first person of the group who must say an item from the category.
- If the item is not the hidden word written on the pad "it" goes to the next person.
- When someone finally says the hidden word "it" splashes that person with the thimble full of water and now that person is "it".
- I may choose another category during our play.
This game is always a favorite each year. What games do your kids like to play and why?