Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Whimsy Wednesday

Food- I love soup and I love being able to put every thing in the crock pot and not have to worry about it.  

Read-I love the book The Cookie Store Cat by Cynthia Rylant.  It's an endearing story about a little orphan kitten found by the bakers in The Cookie Store.  I just finished putting together the odds and ends of  ideas I did with this book and made  a mini-unit.  I love the activities!

Song-What talented people.  I like this show!

Activity:  Looking for the soup recipes on Pinterest!  My biggest problem is, I  cook like I am feeding a  small army.  There is a part of me that likes leftovers and I could eat  them a day or two, but I am outnumbered.

Favorite- Excited to have the little boys Christmas present ordered.  I know they will both love it.

Just a Whimsy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday Tip Day-Conference time!

Conference time in my school is in November.It is a goal setting conference with student-parent-teacher.  It is approximately 30 minutes so things move quickly.

1.FRIENDS (Socialization)
 I start out by putting magnetized pictures on a tray. The kiddos select 5 kids they like to play with in the classroom.  
A quick discussion of any problems.


I really like to show this to parents because it is ALWAYS positive.  Each month the kiddos draw...
SHAPES-SELF-TREE    Every other month they add a coloring, cutting, and drawing.  I do it about the same time every month. Parents are always pleased and kiddos are proud to show improvements.

Following directions
Spacial organization

The kiddo has a conference ring coordinates with the data I collected and assessed according to our school and state standards.  the kiddo interprets the ring while I show the assessed section.  Every time an assessed piece is accomplished, the kiddo earns their award for the ring.
(some of the awards are just social or developmental awards I add for a sense of accomplishment for the student that faces challenges.)

I fill out  some of this prior to the conference.
Positive Statement
3 goals to move forward and accomplish by
our next meeting. 
1 extra goal that the parent may want added.
I keep this form all year and use it for adding more goals and achieving goals.

5. Student Award
Several businesses pass out student awards and I will use these or make my own.

 Student work is always displayed in the hall and each month I have a parent night for students and parents to participate with their child in classroom activities.
Math Night, Reading Night, class plays, etc.


Friday, October 17, 2014

My Favorites Friday

     Today I am posting  a Friday Favorites. 

A Beautiful Fall week in Minnesota so why not have the Pumpkin Blizzard.  I haven't tried the Apple Pie Blizzard, because I'm afraid I'll like that too!
The Boys in the Boat
It's about a group of 9 boys  from America that showed the world in 1936 Olympics what true grit really is. The University of Washington's eight man rowing team defeated many elite teams and challenged Adolf Hitlers German rowing team.
Great song the kiddos sing the month of October!
Love watching former students in high school sports and activities!
Last year at this time we were about to leave for a trip to Ireland and I have been thinking about  it lately.  The cool weather and the time of year, is making me think of it more.  Wonderful place to visit with so many friendly people.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Teaching tip Tuesday-My Friend Sociogram

School is off to a good start but as a teacher I always want to know how the kiddos feel about each other.  I can usually identify and have a feeling of the class dynamics, but am I right?
For many years I have done a class Sociogram Lesson. 

I start out the lesson by reading books.  Lately my books of  choice are No, David and David Goes to School by David Shannon.  These books are great  because they are high interest and the kiddos recognize all David's troubles.

Once we are done talking and reading the books, we make a chart about David. We don't list the negative behavior, but how to make it positive.
We have post-it notes with positive comments on the chart.

Now we talk about ourselves, are we like David? Or, are we like the kind words on the chart?  I suggest we look at the grid sheet I made up of everyone in the class.  I talk to the kiddos about the friends in the classroom and I want them to circle 5 kids in the class that are NOT like David, but are kind, positive, friendly,etc.  

They take a grid, go to their special spot in the  the room,  write their name at the top and circle with a red crayon 5 friends they like, and is a very good friend  to others in the classroom.   They may not circle their own picture.  I also tell them this is private and who we circle should not be talked about so no feelings are hurt.

How do I use the Data?
It never fails, I am always surprised!
I tally the data 
Put the individual data sheets in the conference folder.   Its a piece we discuss during the conference, are they kiddos mentioned at home,etc.

My part is crucial in helping the kiddos in my class feel good and make sure they feel a part of the group. How can I improve the relationship of the students in the class that did not receive a high score...

Integrating in groups
Set up situations that are positive
Table partners

This is an activity I do 3 times a year. The information  the sociogram identifies becomes important with some kiddos in getting outside staff to help the student in the classroom and it becomes a very good intervention. We assess kids constantly in our districts, state, and nation, but this is a simple assessment that gives information on relationships, self confidence, and self worth

I hope this Tuesday Teaching Tip is something you would like to try in your classroom.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October Currently

Here is my October Currently, I did this in September and thought it was fun!

Listening- I said my favorite show is the Amazing Race in September and I am now watching it!  I'm not sure if I like Friday night, but I DVR the show so I guess it doesn't matter.
At least it doesn't interfere with Sunday Football!
My current favorites- Adam and Bethany.
Adam Dirks & Bethany Hamilton

Loving-This week we are in the cities babysitting and spending time with our little grand boys.  We went to gymnastics and loved our babysitting!

Thinking- I love Minnesota in Autumn,the air is crisp and cool.It's sweatshirt weather!It's so beautiful with all the colored leaves. This is the view out my TV room window.

Wanting- I have a closet in my hallway at home that is a "catch all", do you have this closet?  My plan wasn't to waste a nice summer day, so I'm waiting for a rainy day, perhaps a snowy day to clean it!

Needing -a new sweater.  Hopefully I will find one this week.

Treat-I was a like my favorite book character, Harriet,  during Halloween.  I would hide my candy so my brother and sister would not take mine!
Harriet's Halloween Candy by Nancy Carlson is my treat for you at my store.

The product is FREE until November 1,2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

Miss Mary Mack

I love this book, especially with the CD that goes with it.  A little girl reads the story and sings the song.  It is so catchy that after reading it a couple of times you can hear the kiddos singing it in the classroom!  I make a point of getting books adapted by Mary Ann Hoberman and illustrated by Nadine Bernard Westcott, they do several books together.  Many of the books are song/poem books.

One of our activities is an illustration and poem for our poetry book.  If the kiddos work hard to do a nice job on the illustration I give them" silver diamonds,diamonds, diamonds, to glue down her back, back, back!

If you want some cute books love for class look for Mary Ann Hoberman  and Nadine Bernard Westcott