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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Teaching Tip Tuesday

Teaching Tip Tuesday
It's spring and one of the books I always read is "Make Way for Duckling" by Robert McCloskey.(1941)"  I always talk to the kiddos about this book  and the author.  He was an author and illustrator.  His unique and detailed drawings are beautiful.  Make Way for Ducklings was a Caldecott medal winner for its illustrations.  It's perfect for writers workshop because we talk about the details in the drawings and there is no color just the beautiful drawing. In writers workshop it's funny to listen  to the kiddos ask if their drawing look like Robert McCloskey drawings. When you talk about illustrating in writers workshop go to the Robert McCloskey books and you'll have Caldecott Medal winners in your class.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Earth Day- Re-use!

Earth Day Tidbit- Reuse!  Reuse!
Earth Day is this week and I’m all about how to recycle “copied” paper which can be reused!

Class Pictures

I use “head and body” pictures of the kiddos all year long for Writers Workshop, Math and art projects.  I put the class portraits on one sheet of paper.  This is a perfect way to use the unused copies.  I make an original using a grid so all the heads fit on a sheet, I just copy the original on the clean side of the unclaimed paper. 

  Now I have class pictures ready to use for many projects and I have "reused" the unclaimed paper.

Do you teach Earth Day Activities?  You may be interested !

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day Tidbit!

Earth Day Tidbit- Reuse!  Reuse!
Earth Day is this week and I’m all about how to recycle “copied” paper which can be reused!

Free Play Masterpieces
During Free Play in the classroom I always have an art center which can be painting with Tempera paints, water colors, dot markers, etc.  I love this center, but I don’t put out clean sheets of paper for the kiddos to practice making their masterpieces.  Some kids will paint up to 5 or 6 sheets of paper during the free play time.  I  go the copy room and take the paper sitting in a tray for weeks that is unclaimed copies.
 I use the clean back sides for the painting. 

This is a perfect way to use unclaimed copies for the masterpieces the kiddos paint in my class make during free play.

 Once again, reuse rather than recycle!

Do you teach Earth Day Activities?  You may be interested !

Monday, April 20, 2015

Earth Day !

Earth Day Tidbit- Reuse!  Reuse!
Earth Day is this week and I’m all about how to recycle “copied” paper which can be reused!

Daily Sign-in Book
Each year I have a sign in book (3 ring- binder) for my kiddos.  They must sign their first name or last name each day.  At the end of the year the binder has a stack of papers with one side of the paper blank and in great condition.  I take the paper out and rather than recycle all of it, I cut the paper in quarters and use it for the class daily estimation jar answers or Assessment Pocket Chart questions.

Now I can recycle the paper and know I have reused it!

Do you teach Earth Day Activities?  You may be interested !

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