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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I'm Never Taking a Carry-on Suitcase in a Plane!

I went on a trip with my daughter and sister to the wonderful city of Las Vegas.  I'd never been there and was excited to see what all the hype was about. 

BUT,  I'm Never Taking a Carry-on Suitcase in a Plane I was planning on bigger suitcase and then I wouldn't have to worry about what I could, and couldn't take.  My sister and daughter convinced me to take a carry-on, the money I saved would be fun money for Las Vegas.  I'm pretty sure the carry-on I've had forever was too big,  so I bought a new carry-on suitcase.  It was bright and cute, but as I looked at it I saw the tag recommended by  "Disney".   The more I looked and the longer I had the suitcase, it looked like the the circles on it were  Mickey Mouse's head.  I now figured a bunch of kids and I have the same suitcase. Oh well,  I picked out my clothes and rolled them and everything fit!

 The Las Vegas TpT Conference we were attending was wonderful. I'm so glad my daughter encouraged me to go. The bonus is my sister came with us!  The Conference was outstanding with great inspirational speakers and great teachers.  I learned so much! I even won a bulletin board set. (It was given to the conference people who didn't win a door prize) I sure hope my sports bet, "the Minnesota Twins will win the World Series" works out better for me than the door prize. 

The last day of our trip was Saturday and time to go home now I am trying to fit everything in my Mickey Mouse suitcase, even the bulletin board.  I did it!  My sister had to take a couple of things though!  We get  to the airport and we are boarding.  The airport attendant says, "Mam, You can't board because you have 3 carry-ons, please step aside and combine your stuff in your suitcase and you have to zip the extension on your case".  (I had my suitcase, computer and purse, that equals three things NOT two!  I didn't think the computer was personal.)  I knew nothing was going to fit in that  suitcase and I broke the extension zipper on the case while  trying to push everything down and forcing it to close.   Thank heavens my sister was still there so I put my purse in her carry-on  bag and I pulled my swimming suit out of the too small compartment on the pocket front of the carry-on case and that made it look like the extension was closed!  Whew, the attendant let me go!  We get in the plane and now the suitcase would not fit in the too small airplane compartment.  I now was unpacking my case in the plane trying to get it to fit in the compartment. As I was unpacking and rolling up the bulletin board I won, with my computer shoulder strap, My sister said, "What are the bulges on the front suitcase pockets?" I said, "Nothing, I already pulled out my swimsuit."  She digs in the front pocket of my suitcase and pulls out the paper stuffing I forgot to take out when I bought it!  I got the suitcase to fit!

So to say the least, I'm Never Taking a Carry-on Suitcase in a Plane, but I sure hope the Minnesota Twins win the World Series!

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